ode to the ozarks ⛰

A P R I L 3 , 2 0 2 3

sowing seeds of love 💘 devotion 🛐 gratitude 🙏 connection 🌀

we packed our entire lives into a 26-foot cube and set off for our next grand adventure! (moving overseas is nooo joke – phew!)

three months ago we got a loud & clear directive to move our lives across the sea to the islands.
just 12 weeks later and here we are, setting sail!

we hug our loved ones tight.
thank you thank you thank you !! to my beloved aunt and uncle, to my darling cousins, to my grandpa- monarch and patriarch of the family.
to all who made it possible for us to be here these last few years…

our gratitude runs so deep.
our love, even deeper. 

we serenade the cabin— “i’ll be seeing you:
in every lovely summer's day
in everything that's light and gay
i'll always think of you that way
i'll find you in the morning sun, and when the night is new
i'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you
” ☀️🌅🌻🌾🌽🌼🌳🏡🌙

we stick our heads out the car windows to hoot and holler our goodbyes to the land-- don’t take our eyes off the rearview mirror until it’s completely out of sight. 😭
we drive away with tears in our eyes and unimaginable fullness in our hearts.

from Missouri to Hawaii… we are living the magic of aloha—- 🌈🌺🌴🤲🌊💫
---hello, goodbye, we love you---

we hold
goodbye in one hand 🏡🌳😭
hello in the other 🌈🌞🐋
with love as the bridge between 💘🔗

it’s been 3 magical years in this healing home✨

we —-
planted ourselves deep in the forest 🌿🍃 / #littlehouseinthebigwoods
grew soil, planted gardens, loved the earth
mentored with wise farmers/teachers 🌾🐄🥛🍗🥩🦴
expanded our family 🦮🐈🐈🐈‍⬛🐢🐓🐝
wildschooled our pups 🐾🔎🐌
grew + built + created things together 🌱🔨🪵🎨🎼🧶🥧🪜🎥
read hundreds of books 📚🤓📖
made such good friends
hosted countless bonfires 🔥 game nights 🎲 dinner parties 🌮
fell in love with old-timey country music 🎶🪕
weathered multiple tornado warnings 🌪
evicted lots of critters 🐍🕷🐁🐿🦇
ate bucketsful of wild berries/ fungi & plants 🫐🍄🌿
greeted every sunrise 🥾🌅🙌
swam in the rivers/creeks/falls
clarified + refined our vision 🔮⚡️🪟
grew by leaps and bounds 🏹
found liberation from some longheld limitations 🕊
fell deeper in love with life/ each other ❤️‍🔥

A truly Precious Moment
that has reshaped us /
reoriented us to life—-
thankyou thankyou thankyou 🙏

bless this space! and all its future inhabitants✨ bless this time and all who have shared in it✨

may your paths be lined with golden glowing gifts + rainbow blossoms 🌈🌸🌻🍯💝🌷💜💐🎁🔑🌼 may you follow your heart and be free!


—- p j m j —-

p.s.  follow along on our roadquest through six states as we drive our family, our pets and our many many suitcases to the edge of the continent –golden california awaits!
then a quick hop takes us across the puddle to the islands at the center of the earth. <3 <3 <3 

#countryroads #takemehome #missouri #homage #ozarks #birthplace #belonging #newbeginnings #earthkeepers #magic #appreciation #healing #aloha #hellogoodbyeiloveyou


delivered to the promised land


pioneer spirits/ expanding westward