waking dreams
F E B R U A R Y 1 7 , 2 0 2 1
time walker // crow messenger
life feels like waking up in a lucid dream. reality vibrant and clear, my periphery expanding to include so much more,
instinctual awakening to a deep felt sense of absolute interconnectedness\ inseparability from all beings
truth:: there is an incredible power of benevolence flowing ceaselessly, magically all around us. orchestrating timing, signs, messages, attunements. waking us up in the dream.
noticing these signs + synchronicities is what gives our life grace. \ a deep sense that life is so much more than we’ve been led to believe. and somehow -- in the unfathomable enormity and complexity of it all -- we are exactly where we need to be.
synchronicities are an indication that we’re flowin’ in the magical stream.
wayshowers, signposts, holy winks.
they come through us, not to us… through our attention, our alignment. awareness. openness. willingness. these are the key ingredients. they activate in us a magical shimmering universe of possibility, where the living world is in direct, conscious communication with us.
i seek counsel from the stars, the flowers, the grove of elder trees -- about the big defining decisions, yes. but more often about the everyday experiences. the universal guidance i seek also seeks me. tucked gently within the intricacy of a single moment. a small, fragile messenger laying in the middle of the path, easily overlooked and trampled upon if i’m not paying attention, not looking closely. “to pay attention:: this is our endless and proper work.” { mary oliver }
messengers take many forms. intuitive feelings. direct insight. illness and injury. vivid encounters with plants and animals. the stars and planets. the clouds and streams. dreams (a big one)! random encounters. serendipity and synchronicity. everything is a messenger \ life itself is the message. our intuition + imagination are the translators.
most of my teachers are not in human form.
the magic doesn’t exist in the discovery of these treasures, but in the learning to see. in the enlargement of our consciousness. the blossoming of our connectedness. we see the unseen. we touch the beyond. magic hidden in plain sight.
we can open our perception at will and reverently bear witness to \ engage with the undeniable aliveness and sentience of the world around us. i believe this is humanity’s great calling. we are the universe’s way of knowing itself. through our awareness, our intention, we make meaning. we are both the creator and the creation.“the best place to hide god is within a human being, because it’s the last place they’d look.”
i pay attention like it’s my currency. the world speaks to me in symbols. a living search and find. “behold, i stand at the door and knock. if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, i will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.”
i touch god when i slow down, let go,
expand my body-mind-energy from >>concentrated<< to < < d i f f u s e > >
from doing to being. from looking to seeing. from separate to merged.
connection, wonder, abundance\\ instantly unlocked.