03. Grow a Garden in Your Mind ::
Planting Dreams in the Field of Consciousness

“the foundations of peace and bliss are not about attending to the external realities of your life
but in accessing and organizing the inner nature of your being.
the reason why success comes so easily and naturally for one person,
and is a struggle for someone else, is essentially this ::
one person has organized his or her mind to think the way he wants.
the other thinks against his or her own interests.” { sadhguru }

in this episode we explore the ways that we can consciously utilize the power of our thoughts + feelings to create, transform and liberate any experience in our lives, from the inside out.

some of the things we discuss ::

  • how hawaii is teaching me that paradise isn’t a place, it’s a state of being

  • the life-changing visionary experience i had during a recent 2-hour meditation

  • the science behind how thoughts become things (and how we can leverage this to create more of what we want, and less of what we don’t want)

  • how to throw a glitch in the matrix of our own unconscious conditioning

  • shifting from being the victim of our experience to being the creator of it

  • becoming the guardian of our inner world & not allowing anything to pass through without our conscious permission

  • some of the tools i’ve been using to bring greater consciousness and control to my own inner environment

relevant links + resources ::

  • the meme i mention that depicts perspective + gratitude medicine (see below)

  •  some of the resources i mention:

  • all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available in my shop


02. The Authentic Self is the Soul Made Visible :: Listening to Life + Living What We Hear


04. Illness is a Stage of Wellness :: Symptoms are Guides, Guardians, and Gurus