06. Being Intentioned Without Being in Tension ::
Reclaiming Feminine Magnetism from
the Death Grip of Over-Functioning + Control

this is quite the heroine’s journey!
here’s a little mapping of the exploration—

  • unraveling our definition of what it means to be a “successful woman”

  • listening to our feminine BIOLOGY over our societally programmed IDEOLOGY

  • understanding how desire fulfillment operates within a feminine psyche + system

  • reclaiming feminine well-being 💦 (aka - BEING the WELLspring) from the chronic drought of over-doing

  • harnessing the power of feminine magnetism to >>attract<< our desires in an organic, pleasureful, deeply generative way

  • releasing our addiction to the masculine method of going to battle with life in attempt to !conquer! our desires

  • the art of submission (to a much greater will)

  • why impeccability in our feeling state is THE most effective + efficient use of feminine energy

  • learning to *make love with life* to birth the reality we desire

  • increasing our literal + metaphorical fertility (our ability to CONCEIVE of our own dreams and creations)

  • how to become radically responsible for OUR OWN TURN ON as women

  • why it is so profoundly rewarding for the entire family unit to have the woman/ mother in her deepest pleasure and joy

  • creating spaciousness in our lives is the essential requisite to *F E E L I N G  S P A C I O U S* as women

  • one of the single greatest threats to our feminine essence = RUSHING

  • the power of relinquishing decision-making (aka getting good at being LED)

  • cultivating ecstasy•joy•love•abundance from scratch (and mastering the EXPANSE and INTENSIFICATION of them when they’re present)

  • and sooo much more <3

personal evolution is so very sweet.
thank you for sharing this existence with me 🙏😭
with love + liberation for all…



05. Take the Leap :: Everything You Desire is on the Other Side of Fear


07. Creative Parenting :: Wildschooling :: Reclaiming Family Freedom, Creativity + Power