βœ¨πŸ’«β˜€οΈ 30 β˜€οΈπŸ’«βœ¨

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the sun sets on my 29th year // πŸ“lake tahoe <3

//coyotes, mushrooms + sacred waters//
we journey to the sparkling waters of lake tahoe to celebrate my 30th birthday + solar return.
the wild calls us home to ourselves. fills and lifts us from the inside out.

where do you go to feel deeply connected? to feel spirited/ alive?
attunement is a magical, powerful thing (especially on one’s birthday. especially in a new decade of life)

i gather stones from the rugged landscape of our campsite, create a spiral in the clearing beneath the ponderosa pine giants. i boil water over the campfire, stir in a handful of psilocybin mushrooms and prepare for solo ceremony. (my sweetie took a beautiful photo of me sitting in ceremony, and somehow it got lost. perhaps it’s more sacred as secret).

we baptize ourselves in the sacred waters. i lay on the sand and cloud-watch. The sky melds into the earth, and I lay upon the edge of two as one, melting into wholeness, belonging myself home to my body, the very earth itself.
i meditate on the lakeshore until the sun goes down on my 29th year. πŸŒ…

we make camp and slumber beneath a canopy of old growth trees, underneath a blanket of the stars.

in the dead of night we’re startled awake by the howl of a coyote right over our heads.
like, literally two feet away from our heads, just outside our tent, howling at us. i gasp and squeeze pat’s hand – we stare wide-eyed at each other in stunned wonder. it howls once, twice, three times. then silence. we wait for a minute. i look at my phone.
12:01am – the turn of my 30th birthday///
coyote strikes twelve.
the land blesses my new year! i'm filled with awe + wonder

magic is really, really real. the world is alive and speaking to us (t.m.)

my saturn return kicked my booty, but also broke my heart, mind and life wide open. raw to the world. dirty and battered with living. naked and cracked open to the loving. steeped in meaning, magic, mastery.

I believe in the best things happening. I believe in magic, and dreams coming true! I believe we find the medicine we need by becoming it. πŸŒˆπŸ’«πŸ€²πŸ“ΏπŸ¦‹πŸŒžπŸ§©


dreams of a mama bear


evolution is slow until suddenly things are changed