evolution is slow until suddenly things are changed

J A N U A R Y , 2 0 1 6

feeling the shape of me -- the day after we return home from bali / 2017

heart to head -> ::: where you are is exactly where you need to be :::

life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.
how do you know this is the experience you need?
because this is the experience you are having at the moment { eckhart tolle }

this has been a *big* lesson these past months. i’ve known (cerebrally). but man, it’s tough when you want to expand beyond your current reality, yet the medicine insists you stay right where you are. a transcendental time-out where the only way out is through. can’t go under it, can’t go over it, can’t go around it…

my conceptualization of “divine timing” transforms into intuitive, embodied knowing.

inner evolution accelerating at warp speed, outer world staying stubbornly put. “you can’t rip the skin off the snake.”

the seed contains all the coding of the future plant, but accomplishes its becoming by small degrees, until suddenly the petals burst open, the butterfly flies from the cocoon.

evolution is slow until suddenly things are changed.

i’m on the ride… it’s moving at the pace that it’s moving.
i’m bad at being patient, but i’m good at being uncomfortable, so i guess i break even.

(my ultimate mindfulness training ground)

will is a powerful force.
sometimes the idea of surrendering it to a greater force (or at least loosening my grip on the reigns of control) conflicts with what i believe to be the measure of an empowered person.

i insist that something must be done \\ and ‘round and ‘round i go in broken-record circles looking for things to fix to feel better (when you’re looking for something to fix, all you see is what’s broken, and your most important tool -- your perception -- becomes polluted).

cue suffering, frustration, stuckness, doubt.

the breakthrough comes and it looks like this :: A L L of the challenges we experience in the * wait * are part of the essential growth \ the stretch of expansion. it is precisely through the trials that we win our most important battles and uncover our inner treasures. these discoveries are as important (often more important) than the outcome we’ve waited for.

this helps me relax, open, trust. take things in stride.

i get comfortable being uncomfortable.

“when you are just as comfortable in discomfort as you are in comfort, you are free.” - malena

transformation has a funny way of bringing into to light the very things we don’t want to look at, or have been avoiding. i’m continually pushed beyond my edge, away from the comforts of “normal” reality and into areas i spend a lifetime resisting.

i lean in.

i embrace the shifts. ride the waves. uncover lost dimensions of myself in the process and evolve into new directions\ frequencies. 

when discomfort is embraced, presence emerges. in presence i find wholeness, right where i am.

i detach from the outcome

bhagavad gita (ancient hindu text)::
“each of us has an obligation to act rightly, but no power to dictate what is to come of what we do.
give your best to every undertaking without insisting that the results work out the way you want,
or even whether what you do is pleasant or unpleasant. this attitude frees us completely.
whatever comes -- success or failure, praise or blame, victory or defeat -- we can give our best with a clear, unruffled mind.”

a clear \ unruffled mind

mind = an excellent servant \ a terrible master.
our lives take on the color of our thoughts.

trying to create positive change from an incoherent brain wave state \ energy field is counterproductive.
our dreams come through us, not to us.

einstein knew what was up :: ““everything is energy and that's all there is to it. match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. it can be no other way.”

we create what we want on the inside in order to materialize it on the outside. our inner state is what catalyzes our outer state. that’s why it’s called “out-come.” how we choose to respond is what happens next.

we manifest what we energetically ask for (emit).

what channel am i tuned to?

embodiment. presence. love.
fully inhabiting the alchemy of existence with curious bright eyes and a wide open heart.


✨💫☀️ 30 ☀️💫✨


subtle drifts // seismic shifts