homegrown life :: wildly lived
J U N E 1 4 , 2 0 2 2
“the dream exists right here; already in our days, our hands, our hearts.” (and our baskets) 💜 { victoria erickson }
life these days:
waking at dawn and facing east,
tending this little cottage in the forest,
caring for chickens, stewarding bees,
reading books aloud to my loves,
teaching the teenager to drive and build a website,
teaching the 9-year old to use power tools and haul water,
farm chores until we’re stiff and dirty and hungry,
dirty fingernails in garden soil,
fresh picked salad (gosh, sooo much salad) and berries and vegetables,
picnics, growing herbs for medicine,
checking for ticks (endlessly checking for ticks),
treating poisonous spider bites,
hanging the laundry and watching it blow in the fresh breeze/
cursing having hung the laundry because it’s now 95 degrees outside and i don’t want to be working in the heat anymore,
baking allll the sourdough bread/ shattering my jar of sourdough starter after months of cultivation and actually crying //
rollin’ up my sleeves and starting another one,
cooking everything from scratch,
evicting enormous spiders and snakes,
swims in the river, waterfall hikes,
absorbing sunlight and tracking my vitamin d (there’s just so much to say about the sun and it’s power to heal),
cold showers/
sneaky midday not-so-solo showers,
attending alllll the baseball games at dusk,
hosting boy sleepovers and pool parties and dungeons + dragons campaigns,
binging stranger things with the kiddos,
making popcorn in the sweet vintage hand crank pot i thrifted,
tucking my loves in at night (all 15 of them) and going to sleep when the sun sets.
sunrise, sunshine, sunset, repeat.
“but yield who will to their separation,
my object in living is to unite
my avocation and my vocation
as my two eyes make one sight.
only where love and need are one,
and the work is play for mortal stakes,
is the deed ever really done
for heaven and future’s sake.”
-robert frost