++ perception medicine ++

A P R I L 0 4 , 2 0 2 1

big rainbow bowl of homegrown dreams come true 🌈

beauty = nourishment = medicine = healing = magic πŸŒΈπŸŒΏπŸ„πŸŒ±πŸŒΌ

i’ve trusted the plants with my life and they’ve walked me all the way home to myself. revealing a world full of shimmering gifts + tools scattered at our feet. πŸŒˆπŸ€πŸ„πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸŒΏπŸ§©πŸ‘£πŸ”₯βš‘οΈπŸŽ¨πŸ—

this is not a metaphor! the world is alive and speaking to us. (mckenna) our only role is to be * o p e n * and present.

it is entirely our human perception that makes our worldly experience a gift or a burden. we have the power to change our perception + consciousness at will (real life magic ⚑️)

change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.

quantum mechanics // β€œobserver effect.” the act of observation disturbs/interrupts the thing being observed. nothing exists in isolation from our attention.

dr. emoto’s water experiment proved to the world that human thought/emotional vibration is (measurably) transmitted into the objects of our focus, literally reshaping the crystalline structure of the molecules.

the molecules of anger, hate, judgment become distorted, chaotic, entropic \\ the molecules of love, peace, joy are organizing, coherent, symmetrical, beautiful.

our intentions\ vibrations literally, measurably impact the molecular structure of the things around us.

thoughts become things. // our perceptions architect the things we perceive \\ it’s not what you’re looking at:: it’s what you see.

don’t like what you see? then see it differently.

reverse engineering ::
changing our interpretation of reality is often just as good as changing reality itself (it comes through us, not to us).

i believe there is no better perception medicine than the plants -- wild weeds, garden vegetables, magical psychedelics, wise old tree friends

this good green earth is the greatest teacher \ guru \ healer \ friend \ lover we’ll ever have βœ¨πŸ™βœ¨

she’s a psychic and a mystic -- speaking to us in symbolism, through our imaginations.
you are very psychic, provided you know how psychic you are.

when our sensory gating channels are open, we are ^ f r e e ^ to receive the messages. they take many unexpected forms. if we aren’t careful, our mind gets in the way and makes us believe we’re β€œjust imagining it.” we are! the key is to understand, it’s all imagination.

β€œplant intelligence and the imaginal realm” β€œthe intelligence of the heart in direct perception of nature.” (incredible books by stephen harrod buhner. read them to extend / fine-tune your antenna)

with openness and presence, we can intentionally alter our consciousness (without the use of substances).

remember that the mind is very much embodied and not merely embrained. trust it to *sense* as it was designed to do.

β€œthe greatest act of disobedience in which you can engage is to begin to feel again. to ask yourself every minute of every day, every time you see something new in your field of vision, β€˜how does it feel?’” { buhner }

when the doors of perception are free + clear, we see all things as they truly are:: sacred, connected, alive.


library of a book worm


turning compost \\ churning change