:: energy healing ::

my energetic awakening . . . ✨👐✨

i experienced my first energy healing session in 2010 with a reiki practitioner, and the power of the experience surprised me.
i signed up for the session on a whim after a spa treatment. i expected it to be relaxing ... it ended up being transcendental.
my cells became so filled with energy, so saturated in a felt sense of light-ness (both illumination and buoyancy), that i literally thought i was levitating one small, microscopic degree off the table—- i no longer felt the table beneath me.
when i left the session, i was glowing, inside and out. i looked and felt like a different person, and the world outside seemed brighter and more vibrant. my dreams that night were vivid, insightful, moving.

in 2015 i experienced a profound spiritual awakening in which i discovered, along with countless other epiphanies, that my hands are actual literal magic (and so are yours).
this led me to attend level one reiki training in the redwoods among the wisest of elders, and my life was forever changed.
from there i spent the next 4 years deepening my studies and training with multiple energy masters worldwide, ultimately completing my reiki mastery in 2019.

in 2022 i went on to complete a year-long energetic mastery training with true master healer / beloved teacher ariya lorenz. this training awakened profound levels of psychic ability, and deepened my access to energy medicine, intuition + direct contact with spirit.

in addition to traditional training, i’ve experienced many energetic initiations over the course of my life, which have bestowed me with deep experience and a familiarity with the inner workings & landscape of the energy realm.
with this knowledge and experience, i am able to create a safe + sacred container to ensure that only benevolent energies are present, and that the entire experience is cloaked in the highest possible healing energy + love.

it brings me a tremendous sense of purpose and fulfillment to work with people in such a holy field, and i would be deeply honored to meet you there, if you feel so called.

in all things, i intend that my energy and power be used with integrity, truthfulness, humility, and love <3

:::: for more information + to work with me, send me a message ::::

about energy healing . . .

your human body is surrounded by a scientifically measurable field of energy (just like everything else in the universe).

humans are 99.9999999% empty space
that’s only one billionth of a percent solid cellular matter
and, of course, that matter is nothing but a form of energy (energy slowed down enough to collapse the wave // become solid).
our bodies, along with everything else in the material world, are quite literally crystallized energy.

and energy = information.
you are an electromagnetic being emitting codes of frequency ~~~ ) ) ) ) ) )

energy healing works directly with this frequency / the body’s field of energy

einstein famously said, “everything is energy and that's all there is to it. match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. it can be no other way. this is not philosophy. this is physics.”

as electromagnetic beings, we literally draw into our lives that which is in alignment with our frequency. the people, events, and circumstances of our lives (and how we respond to them) can tell us everything we need to know about what frequency we are on.

energy healing helps to heal, expand + elevate our frequency.
it paves the way for greater levels of consciousness and transformation to enter our beings, and therefore, our lives.
it has the power to heal -- both through the application of energetic principles, and by allowing us to receive deeper insight into the subconscious patterns, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that contribute to states of dis-equillibrium and dis-ease.

energy healing helps to activate and strengthen the body’s own vital force.
through the hands of the practitioner, healing life force energy is awakened / activated / aligned in the body’s subtle systems to remove energetic blocks and restore balance and harmony to the receiver’s body, mind, and spirit.

receiving energy healing feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows all around and through you.
some people feel as though they are floating -- some as though their cells are glowing -- and some slip off into a blissful theta brain wave state between sleeping and waking, where the deepest healing has been scientifically proven to occur.

energy healing can bring miraculous, multifaceted results.
many people seek energy healing for a physical ailment, such as back pain, yet receive such profound holistic benefit (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) that they continue long after their pain subsides.

energy healing is one of the most powerful modalities we can utilize to transform our lives from the inside out.


:: sound healing ::