:: sound healing ::

photo of our setup by the lovely natalia jornet @natujornet

my visionary, piscean, sound-whispering, wave(length)-riding husband and i have co-hosted countless sound healing experiences for people from all walks of life (from the most receptive to the most skeptical, and everywhere in between) and the results are always the same -- deep embodied harmony and a clarity of inner peace that washes people clean.

(he plays the instruments -- i facilitate the embodied surrender to get people dropped in, hold the energetic container, and then guide them back when the session is over)

we first discovered sound healing through a woman named josie, who we had instant & profound spiritual connection with.
josie was the creator of a healing\\truth-consciousness community in the countryside of northern illinois (the chicago region).
josie worked to amplify the vibrational sacredness of the land, the body, the soul -- by guiding others to more fully embody the divine within.

our dear friends mike & katie invited us to experience the medicine & magic of our first sound healing session with josie in the summer of 2017. our experience was meditative, psychedelic, profound. we wanted to understand + to learn more, so we approached josie.
upon making eye contact, pat felt a powerful, life-changing soul-connection -- a divine remembrance, a sense of homecoming to some unnameable truth (this had never happened before - it was so big!).
she invited us to her home to work together more deeply \ explore this newfound connection. over the course of a few months, our minds and hearts were opened to many sacred truths through the wisdom josie shared with us.
in 2018, she tragically passed away, but her spirit has continued its presence in our lives + her healing essence is very much alive in the music we play.

++ to learn more and request a sound healing session, you can email us here ++

we would be so honored to connect with you & help guide you toward your own deepest unfoldment.

about sound healing . . .

“sound will be the medicine of the future.” - edgar cayce

sound medicine is a highly therapeutic form of mind-body-spirit healing and attunement.
utilizing the frequencies of sonic waves \ vibrations, we can harmonize our body’s energy field, clear stagnation, and shift the brain wave state to achieve a deep experience of meditation and internal healing (i.e. == change consciousness).

visions, insights, + astral journeys are frequent during a sound healing session.
receptivity expands with deep rest, immersion, vibrational resonance

all matter (including the human body) emits scientifically measurable frequency (sound waves) --
the atomic movement\vibration within matter creates a detectable tone. 🤯

the energy centers \\ vibrational vortices within the human body (known as chakras) each vibrate + rotate at different speeds.
this creates an auditory
and visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation (i.e. emission of sound and color, which share wavelengths)
sound = energy waves vibrating at a frequency that we can hear :: the audible tone of frequency
color = energy waves vibrating at a frequency that we can see :: the visible spectrum of light.
the wavelength of the body’s energy centers each correspond with a matching wavelength of color + tone.

the root chakra vibrates at a frequency of around 432 Hz -- the same frequency as the color red. (i.e. it literally emits the color red)
working up each of the energy centers of the body, the frequency increases and journeys through each of the visible colors of the rainbow to the crown chakra. the crown chakra vibrates at a frequency of around 768 Hz (corresponding to the color purple).

using special musical instruments (sound bowls, chimes, tuning forks, gongs, rattles, drums) humans can “tune their bio-instrument” so to speak, harmonizing the energy centers of the body back to their most pristine and coherent natural states.


:: energy healing ::


:: ecstatic dance ::