r e c e n t e p i s o d e s

++ all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available in the shop ++

r e c e n t b l o g p o s t s

m o m e n t s o f m e a n i n g , m e d i c i n e + m a g i c

:: n u r t u r i n g s e e d s o f ::

+ c o n s c i o u s n e s s +

โ€œyour picture of reality
is your most important creation.
make it powerfully, profoundly beautiful.โ€
{ alex grey}
consciousness is the field in which all lifeโ€™s seeds are sown // what are you growing??
as artists of consciousness and co-creators of reality, we possess the power to create the more beautiful world we know is possible from the inside out by expanding our awareness + reclaiming our imagination

+ c r e a t i v i t y +

โ€œeverything you can imagine is real.โ€
{ pablo picasso }
life is the blank canvas that we dye with the color of our thoughts, feelings, and choices . we architect our own reality -- in the image of our fears and frustrations, or our wildest imaginations . itโ€™s a choose-your-own adventure! our choices arise from one of two places: our emotional programming, or our visionary spiritual practice // devotion to quantum artistry in every moment.

+ t r a n s f o r m a t i o n +

โ€œalchemy is consciously assisted evolution.โ€
{ frater albertus }
alchemy = the transmutation // intentional rearrangement of raw elements into something new . we can change anything about our selves or our lives by holding it in our awareness + transforming our relationship to it from the inside out . we can walk into the darkness of our shadows and be with them until they begin to glow . we can turn our poisons into nectar!

+ l i b e r a t i o n +

โ€œthe world was made to be free in!
give up all the other worlds
except the one to which you belong.โ€
{ david whyte }
we transform our lives + expand our reality by setting ourselves free from limiting beliefs. โ€œemancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.โ€ liberation = a radical unshackling of our thoughts and deep attunement with // reclamation of our most *authentic being*